We have been notified of proposed alterations to the junction of Ditton Road and Upper Brighton Road, to improve the layout for pedestrians, and are passing on the details so that you can comment in time for the planning meeting if you feel you wish to.
At present, the layout of the junction limits pedestrian visibility of traffic turning left into Ditton Road for those waiting to cross from the north side of the junction.
The proposal will build out this kerb line so that pedestrians are better positioned. This build out will also help to reduce the speed at which vehicles turn into the road.
The existing pedestrian refuge island in the middle of the junction will also be replaced with a new island, as the existing island is of an old specification and should be replaced. The cycle markings will also be altered, with the short section of cycle lane on approach to the junction removed and replaced with additional cycle markings at the junction itself.
Finally, the junction will be raised to create an entry treatment, reducing the level of priority given to vehicles at the junction and further reducing the speed at which they are able to turn into the road.
If you have any comments on the proposals – which are shown on the plan – please contact Liam Judge on 020 8547 5002 at Kingston Council by Wednesday 3rd December. If the proposal is supported, it will be constructed in Spring 2015.
The Surbiton Neighbourhood Committee will discussthe results of the consultation at their meeting on Wednesday 3rd December. This public meeting will be held at Dysart School, Ewell Road, Surbiton starting at 7.30 pm and you are welcome to attend.
All comments received up to and including the day of the Meeting will be considered, and the draft committee report will be available on the Council’s website before the meeting in the agenda for the Surbiton Neighbourhood committee meeting. The web address is http://www.kingston.gov.uk/info/200175/your_council_and_democracy